Sunday, January 17, 2010


I see the stars,like tiny dots
On a vast expanse of black cloth,
Without a doubt,I paint out loud
The constellation of my thoughts..

Thoughts big and small alike,
They ride with me on a traveller's night,
In search of distant hope and fear
They make my imagination real..

For I see a river flowing,
with sounds of wisdom echoing
into my experiential ideation

As I awake to myriad possibilities,
As I awake to myriad possibilitites,
All with a little thought...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Beautiful Thought

Play me thy sounds of the musical rainbow
united in colors of white,

Paint thy canvas with enchanting Raagas
from dawn till dusk,delight.

Speaketh thy words of vibrant continuum
with ideas of thee encircled,

Dance to the tunes of thy silent music
threaded with beautiful words.

Make me a whole and not a part,blending O lord with Thee,
For nothing, O nothing can be a nobler gift, than one's Integrity.